Hello there.. these are some pictures of places that i've been to.. Maybe i'll post more on next monday cos i will be going to tour around Shanghai on the weekends.. Btw.. i can't view my blog, only can post.. weird huh.. anyway, take care brothers.. lets meet up when i return.. :)

Coca Cola.. Huge one..

Neon Lights make the world a better place..

Lord of the Rings - The 2 towers??

南京路.. does it look like Hongkong??

Nicholas and I on some street lahh.. lolx.. on our way to the metro station..

阿华 and I on 南京路..

China Pizza anyone?? Local call this 烧饼.. this is nice!! I ate 2 in a row.. haha

A typical breakfast at Shanghai.. :) 油条,豆浆,饭团..

I this where i work.. HACH

This is where i live.. nice rite??