Finally tml start school.. at least got something to do, if not slack at home very bored or everyday go out spend money..
These few days went shopping spree.. the feeling of spending money is damn shiok sia.. LOLS.. but when your bank balance keep decreasing also damn sad. But it wasn't that bad cos wherever i go there is 50% discount storewide..
Firstly was Quiksliver den Esprit.. 2 tees at Quiksliver only cost me $40 and a pair of jeans and a bag at Esprit cost me $85.. damn cheap. Also have to thank Alvis cos his aunt was the manager at Esprit.. THANKS ALVIS!

This is the phone i want.. D900. I think its the slimmest slide-up phone in the market. But if i wanna change, i have to come out with $500+.
Damn expensive..
Maybe wait for the price to drop first..
Thats all for today! Stay tune to "Be Strong.." LOLS!
These few days went shopping spree.. the feeling of spending money is damn shiok sia.. LOLS.. but when your bank balance keep decreasing also damn sad. But it wasn't that bad cos wherever i go there is 50% discount storewide..
Firstly was Quiksliver den Esprit.. 2 tees at Quiksliver only cost me $40 and a pair of jeans and a bag at Esprit cost me $85.. damn cheap. Also have to thank Alvis cos his aunt was the manager at Esprit.. THANKS ALVIS!

This pic was taken at Wenda's house.. had lots of fun that day (:
Thought of changing handphone.. but i think its a waste of money. LOLS..

This is the phone i want.. D900. I think its the slimmest slide-up phone in the market. But if i wanna change, i have to come out with $500+.
Damn expensive..
Maybe wait for the price to drop first..
Thats all for today! Stay tune to "Be Strong.." LOLS!